So since our last couple posts have kind of been heavy I thought this week we would lighten things up. And what is more basic than talking about Christmas Traditions.
First off, I CANNOT believe Christmas is right around the corner. I DID NOT like how close Thanksgiving and Christmas were this year. I felt like it was hard to really get into the Christmas spirit.
I am someone who will hold off on putting up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving. Let the turkey have some time to shine (side note-I am now envisioning Kylie Jenner singing, “Rise and Shine” to a turkey so there’s that). And if you don’t know what I’m talking about please look it up ASAP.
It took me a little later to decorate this year because, well, it’s expensive to decorate! I had to wait until some money came in so then I could go splurge at Hobby Lobby. We moved into our home last year and I quickly realized how expensive decorating a home is so I have to do it a little at a time. Each year, I’ll grow my Christmas decorations until I have a good collection that I’ll use for the next 50 years.
So there I go into Hobby Lobby, which have had Christmas decorations out since Halloween, and become immediately overwhelmed because that’s just what Hobby Lobby does to me. I’m like, again Hobby Lobby?, one time can I just come in, get what I want and leave without my mind spinning?????
So I’m cruising, I have Arlo with me who is being such a good boy and getting compliments from so many grammys, and soon enough my cart is filled to the top. I felt great coming out of there, excited to decorate my whole home with the Christmas spirit.
I finish decorating in about 10 minutes and realized that that cart full of stuff I got only decorated 1 room. Like what the heck?! So, the holiday spirit in 5 other rooms will have to wait until next year. It is what it is. I do like how I’ve decorated the living room and my mantle so that’s a plus.
There are a couple of Frick basic Christmas traditions that I partake in. Every year, we get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. And every year its borderline miserable. But that’s the tradition! My dad likes to annoy my mom throughout the year and tell her the countdown of when we are getting the tree. In the middle of summer he will say, only 5 more months until we get the tree! Literally, the day after we get the tree he will start the countdown. My poor mother. But every year we go and it has to be perfect conditions for my dad for it to be enjoyable. It CANNOT be warm, not super cold, no rain, lightly snowing is acceptable, and the least amount of work is prime. I’m still waiting for those perfect conditions, but every year we try. It’s miserably fun.
Next is Christmas cookies! This is usually a fun time where I do a lot of the work. It’s okay, I enjoy baking. Nothing like cookies and Christmas music to get you in the holiday spirit. Last year, I was making cookies 2 days before I gave birth to Arlo. I had this spurt of energy and was a cookie making machine. This year, Hope and I got in a HORRIBLE fight, so it was not enjoyable at all. I finished making cookies at home. Don’t worry we are perfectly fine now as she is on her way to my house with sushi.
My favorite cookies to make are the traditional sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies with the Hershey kiss in the middle, and this year I tried out Oreo cheesecake balls. I highly suggest the oreo balls, super easy and such a crowd pleaser. I also tested out the peanut butter cookies with hugs Hershey kisses (white and milk chocolate swirled) and also used chocolate chips instead of a big Hershey kiss so that way you had peanut butter and chocolate in every bite. Turned out great!
Next Christmas tradition that I want to start doing more are Christmas Markets. Cue the, “when I studied abroad” basic girl voice. But seriously when I was in Europe I went to a bunch of Christmas markets. They were the best! Actually, when Jeremiah and I first started dating he took me to Mifflinburg’s Christkindl Market. It was such a perfect date. There was hot wine, It was lightly snowing, it was the perfect temperature outside and not too crowded. Hallmark contacted us later asking if we would star in one of their new Christmas movies but we politely declined.
So this year we went to one right around the corner in Dillsburg. It didn’t compare much to Mifflinburg’s Christkindl market but it was still enough to have fun with Arlo. Next year I plan on going back to Mifflinburg and you should put it on your list of Christmas things to do too!
So as Christmas is quickly approaching, we are almost out of time for Christmas traditions. We plan on having Christmas Eve at our house this year with family and then going up to Jeremiah’s parents house on Christmas. We usually go to Christmas Eve service, but after that we don’t have any traditions.
Let me know if you have any fun traditions that we can try out next year! I’m excited to hear about what everyone else does.
Your Basic Housewife and Mom