Jus' Bikes


Looking back, it’s like I’m watching a movie.

You’re flying down Chicken City Road, in your purple sundress that was too short but your mom was OK with you wearing it if you had shorts underneath, and you’re riding on the handlebars, clenching for dear life but not really because you’ve known this island like my you know the freckles on your arm, every hot spot that gets itchy in the sun, how you naturally pop my elbow hoping to look like a cool girl. But Travis knew this island more than memory. It was ingrained in who he was.


And together you soared through the quiet; a so beautiful and so silent quiet that it makes your ears ring but also makes your heart buzz and you think, “wow, this what it’s like to be in nature and what they have all written about and what PBS makes shows about it.”

And then you pull up to the middle school, which in all of your years coming here, you never really considered kids going to school, let alone being awkward middle schoolers here, living their worst fears in this beautiful escape that played host every summer, where you’re drenched in soft serve and SPF 45 and that square pizza from the corner restaurant and that feeling that everything is right when you are here because you are sunkissed and young and still so irresponsible. And then you grab a hand and scrape your knees a little bit - once again because your dress is too short - on the lip of the roof and you’re standing there, on top of the island. And you’re hearing a story about going to the nurse pretending to have asthma because that’s just who Travis was and what he did. And you’re on top of being 17 and your whole life in front of you and on top of clarity and purity and beauty and fear and strength. And you breathe the quiet, sea salt air in and think “I have 3 more days on vacation” and “my life is so good and I am the prettiest girl that there ever was” because selfishly that was your deepest fear and desire then. And you smile so all of your dimples show and your humid curled hair shakes as you just dance around on the top of the world, because this - this is the moment the heroes write and sing and make movies about - and you’re not scared to be with a strange boy who’s eyes twitch - because for once in your 17 years, you are calm and feel safe which is what you’ve always wanted. And his soul is so peaceful, you just know he is OK and you shouldn’t be worried. That you will forever love this boy as your best friend because of this magical moment. Your mom’s favorite song is Melt With You and you understand that if you could pinpoint that feeling to a time in your life, it would be this moment. But then Drops of Jupiter comes to mind because it feels like flying over the stars whenever you feel it. And the feeling lasts forever and then you scramble down onto the AC unit with gravel stuck in your knees and you ride on the handlebars through the trees and back to your little house past Ocean Avenue and you feel your lungs breathe and you know that you’ve felt life and that you’re felt true kindness and true love and you’ll always carry this movie moment in your life. And you didn’t realize you had to. Because it was what you had right now and it would still be magic next year. Because you were young and this place was magic and you felt it and magic like that doesn’t ever not last. You felt you had to remember this moment for the magic of what it was; not because it was “one of the last moments” or the moment who showed you who he was.

Your island feelings were so solid: so untouchable. So marked by beauty and innocence in that perpetual golden hour that they couldn’t be touched by pain.

Nothing bad could happen on this island. On this paradise that filled my Augusts with sunburn and too much time together in a small space and that salty marshy smell. On a place that was kind of like Hollywood almost and The Locals were celebrities because the sand and sun were intertwined into their DNA and they got to experience THE BEACH!!! everyday. This place in August was our heaven; our oasis. And if we held on in our minds to these feelings, the hurt that bled so strongly in the real world didn’t exist. Your pain from the main land didn’t matter once you crossed the bridge.

So, When I think about it now and look at that movie moment, Travis death was really two deaths.

I lost the island that day he passed away, all that it stood for. The loss of the one truly good spot, my piece of heaven that shaped the best memories I’ll always have.

Travis’ passing was like a loss of innocence. The first time my gut was really punched. The first time a broken heart felt different because it was a loss of something pure.

It’s like all that beauty that floated around you that August night was a trick. It was too pretty, and nothing so perfect lasts forever. Haven’t we been taught that all our lives? We should have known a dark cloud should come. We should have held on tighter to him; we should have called him more; we should have listened to him more. Like the Island, Travis was just purely, purely, pure good.

To be honest and to put it simply, it was the loss of a good person. And not just saying that the way you say it when someone passes. He was a true, to the core huge smiler, laugh out louder who told it like it was but would still drive across the world for you. Someone who had dreams to really be bigger, yet still appreciated who he was and where he was at. A person who’s contagious smile makes your concerns and worry and resolve to be serious break. Who’s simple yet so thoughtful insight makes you see things clearer.

Everyone thinks I was in love with him - or at least liked liked him - but I can say honestly in that peace I felt that first night, that I was not in love with him but loved him with my whole heart for the pure goodness he was. He was a friend when I needed a true, good friend and was a blip of purity and innocence in a hard time marked with pain and tragedy. I loved him for the way he made me love myself, like myself, and think about those around me. I loved him for the way he made me feel about the things around me and I think that’s really, really special.

So a loss like that hits you hard.

And I know this all sounds selfish and I’ve always made his death about me. I know that. But I realize I’m spending so much time thinking about myself so I don’t have to really face that he died and the pain and gaping hole that left in others. Because when I think of myself, you can’t see reality. You can control the pain and how you box it up. You get to remember Travis how you want to and you get to downplay the searing pain you’re feeling.

And how I want to remember him is this:

A kind boy who was a kind friend to everyone. Who was a cool boy in a red car that loved his mom so very, very much (who I have come to love too) and had a weird thing about teeth - good teeth - who’s eyes twitched and who ate his weight in sunflower seeds and apple juice. Who worked for Jus’ Bikes (nothin else) like a character from a movie; who was always looking for his leading lady, but was okay just being who he was - which takes a lot of courage and strength and peace. A boy who gave me a wind in my hair-riding on the handlebars-dancing in top of the world moment-or minutes-by just being himself and being my friend. And a friend to so many, many, many others.

These past 10 years have been my whole life honestly and I’m really, really sad I couldn’t tell Travis about them myself. But his faith and my faith let me know that he knows them - and all their honesty and truth. I hate that hes not here and can’t experience his full life and his family’s life and my family’s life and his friend’s life but he knows what’s happened. And if he was here; he would have been there when we’ve celebrated; when we’ve cried; when we’ve needed each other. His is still all always here.

I’ll abandon all flowery language and say, it sucks and it’s just not the same. Because it does suck and it’s not the same.

My life has forever been changed by loss - just like so many others - and today I’m going to embrace this whirlwind of feelings, just like I did that night we soared through the island, holding on for dear life, flying onto what’s next because that’s how he lives in my heart, and always will forever.

Thank you Travis for loving me, those around you and thank you for being my friend. You are so dearly, dearly missed and so dearly, dearly loved.

Travis Daniel Birch


My Loneliness is Killing Me


“Hopefully as you get older, you start to learn how to live with your demon. It’s hard at first. Some people give their demon so much room that there is no space in their head or bed for love. They feed their demon and it gets really strong and then it makes them stay in abusive relationships or starve their beautiful bodies. But sometimes, you get a little older and get a little bored of the demon. Through good therapy and friends and self-love you can practice treating the demon like a hacky, annoying cousin. Maybe a day even comes when you are getting dressed for a fancy event and it whispers, “You aren’t pretty,” and you go, “I know, I know, now let me find my earrings.” Amy Poehler, Yes, Please 💕⠀ ⠀

the quietness of quarantine, the lax expectations to get myself gussied up, the gym’s being closed and the dark cloud hanging over our world has let my demons creep back into my heart and soul and remind me of all the reasons why i shouldn’t love myself. ⠀ ⠀

they scream: “You aren’t pretty.” “You aren’t valuable at work.” “You’re too big.” “Your friends forgot about you.” “You’re annoying.” and all the silence surrounding me only let’s it echo so loudly. ⠀ ⠀

but then i remember, i am healthy. i am loved. i am capable. i am always working to improve. i make my coworkers laugh with thoughtfully placed memes in emails. i convinced someone to marry me, and have people who want to see it happen. i have a family who asks me everyday how I’m doing. i have a great job. i have and i AM so much. and all those “am” statements help shut up those demons.⠀ ⠀

all this to say, that don’t let this quiet time be a playground for your demons. because they don’t deserve it. and TBH, who the hell can handle more darkness right now? ⠀ ⠀

now, off to go slap on my hoops ❤️

also, go read Yes, Please (and while you’re at it, Mindy Kaling’s books too!)


So to be honest, this quarantine didn’t change my routine that much. Since I’ve had Arlo, I’ve been home 80% of the time. I worked from home and maybe got out of the house once or twice a week, and that was usually to run errands.

It’s really nice to have Jeremiah home all the time….sometimes….I’m able to get maybe a minute or two to myself a day which is nice.

I did get laid off which really sucks. As a travel agent, I get paid when people complete their trips so with nobody traveling, there is no commission. So if you are wanting to plan a trip like going to an all inclusive resort or somewhere overseas, please please please think to reach out to me! I don’t charge any fees and it really does help me out. Even if you know which resort you want to go to, at least think about letting me book your trip instead. I can usually price match the price you are getting, maybe even getting it cheaper or offering better options. It’s really not a lot of extra work for you other than giving me the basic booking information.

1 thing I’ve learned during the quarantine:

I’ve learned that my mind is my biggest enemy. I’ve been so focused on other things since I’ve had Arlo, that I’ve neglected myself and let my thoughts wander and grow into deep-rooted weeds. I only just realized that hey, I wonder what it’s like to be happy with myself. I see the inspirational posts and quotes and mantras all the time on social media but I truly wonder how many of those people actually are living what they are posting.

My mind is so mean to itself, I’m constantly thinking that I said this thing wrong, or I shouldn’t have said that, that my tone was off, or I shouldn’t have done that or I look stupid and I just find me cringing about myself more often than I know I should. And in reality what I said or did was completely fine, I just have a skewed way of how people perceive me. Whenever I have a free minute to think, like on a walk or in the shower, my mind automatically goes back to things that I have done wrong or regretted in life. It’s terrible and exhausting and it’s hard to know how to stop myself thinking that way. Believe me, if I could, I 100% would.

I feel like I’ve neglected friendships, I forget to text people back, I don’t reach out as much as I should and I’m just tired all the time. Luckily, I have great friends who I know understand and will always be there for me, seriously, choose your friends wisely because they will genuinely understand your behaviors and stick by your side.

Don’t get me wrong I have a happy life. I’m very blessed and I look at my life and am happy with everything in it. I’m just not as happy with myself. When both of these feelings of happiness are disconnected it can be very frustrating. But like with every problem in life, acknowledging the issue is the first big step. It’s sad that I didn’t even notice that the issue behind my depleted energy and crying spells are because of my mental state and it did sneak up on me. You get so busy trying to make sure everything else is in order you forget the most important person to keep in order…yourself!

So just like everything else I’ve told you that I’m working on; post partum depression, anxiety, and cleaning more, I will now start working on being content with myself. It’s what I want my therapist and I to start focusing on right away.

If you are still reading this, thank you. At girl, same we like to keep things transparent and real. If you have had this issue and have gotten over the hump and are truly happy with yourself what are some of your tips that got you to that point or are keeping you content? I would love to know where to start!

Hope gave me the assignment of answering 3 simple questions for this post and of course I went off on a tangent so to lighten things up and I’ll answer the other 2.

1 thing I miss or the first thing we’ll do:

I feel like I have an obligation to drop Arlo off at a grandparent’s house and let them play with, snuggle and spoil him. While they do that, I’ll be at Hobby Lobby and Home Goods! We rearranged the rooms at our house and now I need more decorations. Since we moved in, I haven’t really liked the layout of our house or even liked how 1 single room was set up. Now with things rearranged there is a lot of potential for things to finally start feeling like a home.

I also can’t wait to have a game night with my friends; it’ll be nice to have some adult interaction!

1 thing I’ve watched or read or how I’ve spent my time during the quarantine:

Well if you have kids, basically the whole day is preoccupying them.  So it’s literally doing basic activities like, holding rocks and playing peek a boo. I’m on week 6 of my workout program, which is great, and I walk 1-3 times a day! 3 weeks ago I broke out my old kindle and started reading again. 5 books read already! They are easy fiction reads which do make me feel a little guilty because I feel like I should be reading something to stimulate my mind more and learn about new things. I started the series “Peaky Blinders” which is draining to watch. It’s a good show but I can only handle it one episode at a time. So usually afterwards we either watch, “The Office”, “Parks and Rec”, or “New Girl.”


Your Basic Housewife and Mom