
So to be honest, this quarantine didn’t change my routine that much. Since I’ve had Arlo, I’ve been home 80% of the time. I worked from home and maybe got out of the house once or twice a week, and that was usually to run errands.

It’s really nice to have Jeremiah home all the time….sometimes….I’m able to get maybe a minute or two to myself a day which is nice.

I did get laid off which really sucks. As a travel agent, I get paid when people complete their trips so with nobody traveling, there is no commission. So if you are wanting to plan a trip like going to an all inclusive resort or somewhere overseas, please please please think to reach out to me! I don’t charge any fees and it really does help me out. Even if you know which resort you want to go to, at least think about letting me book your trip instead. I can usually price match the price you are getting, maybe even getting it cheaper or offering better options. It’s really not a lot of extra work for you other than giving me the basic booking information.

1 thing I’ve learned during the quarantine:

I’ve learned that my mind is my biggest enemy. I’ve been so focused on other things since I’ve had Arlo, that I’ve neglected myself and let my thoughts wander and grow into deep-rooted weeds. I only just realized that hey, I wonder what it’s like to be happy with myself. I see the inspirational posts and quotes and mantras all the time on social media but I truly wonder how many of those people actually are living what they are posting.

My mind is so mean to itself, I’m constantly thinking that I said this thing wrong, or I shouldn’t have said that, that my tone was off, or I shouldn’t have done that or I look stupid and I just find me cringing about myself more often than I know I should. And in reality what I said or did was completely fine, I just have a skewed way of how people perceive me. Whenever I have a free minute to think, like on a walk or in the shower, my mind automatically goes back to things that I have done wrong or regretted in life. It’s terrible and exhausting and it’s hard to know how to stop myself thinking that way. Believe me, if I could, I 100% would.

I feel like I’ve neglected friendships, I forget to text people back, I don’t reach out as much as I should and I’m just tired all the time. Luckily, I have great friends who I know understand and will always be there for me, seriously, choose your friends wisely because they will genuinely understand your behaviors and stick by your side.

Don’t get me wrong I have a happy life. I’m very blessed and I look at my life and am happy with everything in it. I’m just not as happy with myself. When both of these feelings of happiness are disconnected it can be very frustrating. But like with every problem in life, acknowledging the issue is the first big step. It’s sad that I didn’t even notice that the issue behind my depleted energy and crying spells are because of my mental state and it did sneak up on me. You get so busy trying to make sure everything else is in order you forget the most important person to keep in order…yourself!

So just like everything else I’ve told you that I’m working on; post partum depression, anxiety, and cleaning more, I will now start working on being content with myself. It’s what I want my therapist and I to start focusing on right away.

If you are still reading this, thank you. At girl, same we like to keep things transparent and real. If you have had this issue and have gotten over the hump and are truly happy with yourself what are some of your tips that got you to that point or are keeping you content? I would love to know where to start!

Hope gave me the assignment of answering 3 simple questions for this post and of course I went off on a tangent so to lighten things up and I’ll answer the other 2.

1 thing I miss or the first thing we’ll do:

I feel like I have an obligation to drop Arlo off at a grandparent’s house and let them play with, snuggle and spoil him. While they do that, I’ll be at Hobby Lobby and Home Goods! We rearranged the rooms at our house and now I need more decorations. Since we moved in, I haven’t really liked the layout of our house or even liked how 1 single room was set up. Now with things rearranged there is a lot of potential for things to finally start feeling like a home.

I also can’t wait to have a game night with my friends; it’ll be nice to have some adult interaction!

1 thing I’ve watched or read or how I’ve spent my time during the quarantine:

Well if you have kids, basically the whole day is preoccupying them.  So it’s literally doing basic activities like, holding rocks and playing peek a boo. I’m on week 6 of my workout program, which is great, and I walk 1-3 times a day! 3 weeks ago I broke out my old kindle and started reading again. 5 books read already! They are easy fiction reads which do make me feel a little guilty because I feel like I should be reading something to stimulate my mind more and learn about new things. I started the series “Peaky Blinders” which is draining to watch. It’s a good show but I can only handle it one episode at a time. So usually afterwards we either watch, “The Office”, “Parks and Rec”, or “New Girl.”


Your Basic Housewife and Mom