The Housewife Diaries-What is a Basic Housewife

Housewife /noun/- a married woman whose main occupation is caring for her family, managing household affairs, and doing housework


So like, being a housewife in real life is nothing like being a real housewife on Bravo channel??? How could this happen, I’m shook. Truth is, being a housewife means you actually have to do housework and it’s not as fun and glamorous as you think. It’s a constant chore and I was not graced with the OCD cleaning gene.


But I like the idea of being a housewife. The beautifully decorated and organized home, home-cooked healthy but tasty recipes, and holiday and game night parties that your friends can’t get enough of. Instead I have a semi-organized home half decorated with Hobby Lobby mixed in with unorganized crap, quick recipes that I hope are good that I steal from Pintrest, and parties that are decorated by dollar store trinkets.


I hope you just nodded and said, “girl, same” and know the struggles of wanting to have your life look like an Instagram “influencer” that has posts including #ad and use those filters that you had to pay extra for but instead opt to focus your energy on other areas of your life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on the Instagram influencers, seriously props to you for getting to that level. I just don’t have enough energy or motivation to get to that level. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait minute……YOU’RE LIFE IS NOT VALUED BY HOW PERFECT, FUN, PUT TOGETHER IT LOOKS LIKE IN A PHOTO. Care more about your own mental health than by some unrealistic, altered, fake posts (and again not hating on the other talented bloggers out there). Honestly, why do we even care about that stuff. And by stuff I mean how we are portrayed on social media. Now don’t get me wrong, a lot of posts are genuine and add enrichment to your life but there are some that can hinder it. I can go more into detail about that, but it’ll have to wait for another blog post.


In “The Basic Housewife Diaries”, I’ll show you my attempts of becoming a housewife. Maybe I should rename the blog to “Basic Housewife in Training”? IDK TBD.  Follow me as I learn how to fall in love with decorating nicely and cleaning (more like tolerating cleaning and finding how to do it the quickest way possible), learn new recipes that everyone loves (still stealing them from Pintrest), and how to fine-tune becoming a host and having memorable parties.


This should be a fun ride



Your Basic Housewife (in training)


P.S.- LOLOL I forgot like the most important duties of a housewife….being a wife and a mother. Having a baby turns your brain into mush. I’ll become raw and exposed as I take you on my journey of Motherhood and being the best wife I can be. It’s a messy life I live but that’s the fun of it, always learning, always changing and always growing into a better person. I almost just typed live, laugh, love but realized I don’t have the “can I speak to the manager” haircut to match it. And I just realized those are the exact words that have been in my Instagram bio for years so brb need to change that asap

Life: Why ya gotta be so mean?

One of the biggest things I struggle with is kindness.

I’m mean, I’m rude, I’m degrading, I’m negative. I’m ugly. I’m rotten. I point out flaws. I’m just mean.

But many of you who know me, may not agree with that. I pride myself on being a kind person to everyone I meet - and if I haven’t been to you, please reach out to me and we can chat. I shower my friends with compliments, I let them know I appreciate them, I build them up when I think they’ve done a great job. Not to make myself feel better, but because I genuinely and truly want them to feel the best they can and feel loved and valued.

I’m kind to everyone...except myself. Especially when it comes to how I look and how I see myself.

I don’t think there has ever been a day where I’ve said “wow, you’re really pretty!” or “wow, you are smart!” to myself. I can count on two hands the number of times in my whole life that I’ve looked in the mirror and have been happy with what I see. I think my face is too round, I think my one eye is wonky, I think my stomach is too chubby, I think my arms are too fat. I pinch and pull and poke at all the problem areas I see on myself until I literally bruise. I don’t like myself...I may be more honest in saying I hate myself. I don’t look at the accomplishments I’ve made or have shared before, like healing from an eating disorder and gaining a healthy grasp on eating and working out, and feel proud...I only see what I could be doing better. I could have lost 60 pounds if I just didn’t eat this or that...

Please tell me you're having a girl, same moment.

Realizing how negative I am towards myself makes me feel like a fraud to those I care about and work so hard to build up. How can I have them believe what I’m saying is honesty and truth, when I don’t even talk to myself that way? How can I come across as genuine when I talk to you about yourself when I don’t even like myself?

If you meet another girl (most likely in the bathroom on the weekend after 2 vodka sodas) and think (most likely say, because again, vodka) “omg you’re so pretty I wish I looked like you!”, why don’t you think she’s thinking the same about YOU? Why do we automatically tear ourselves down?

If we want other girls to believe they’re pretty and be kind and be empowering, we have to start with ourselves. We have to believe that we are pretty and kind and empowering. We have to loosen up when we look in the mirror or photos we’re tagged in. We have to embrace all the things we hate about ourselves and accept that THIS IS WHO I AM!!!! so that we can continue to build each other up and make each other feel beautiful. (Side note, nothing wrong with making changes to be healthier or feel better about yourself so keep dieting and working out all you want!)

If we want others to be kind, we need to be kind to ourselves first. So, let’s try liking ourselves and creating a kinder world one girl at a time...but remember that I’ll always think you’re the pretty girl in the bathroom.

Love you most,


The Housewife Diaries-I Got Excited

Ahhh so you came across my blog, lucky you. To be completely honest I don’t know the first thing about writing a blog so just be patient with me. My sister wanted to do a blog and I got excited and decided to get as bold as a white girl drunk off of white claws and said I wanted to join. Then when the buzz wore off I realized that I don’t know what the heck to write about. I’m not an expert in anything. I see all these fancy, professional, perfect blogs and panic because all I have to offer is my life experiences. But as I’m writing this I’m only 25 years old so don’t expect old, wise proverbs because I literally just referenced white claws a couple of sentences ago. I’m also a new mom so my brain is mush since I talk to a baby and dog all day. I’ll give this blog thing a whirl. I’ll talk about marriage, about being new parents and about me being a wannabe housewife. I don’t have it all together, I don’t have a lot of experience in being the things I want to talk about, but isn’t that the purpose of me and my sister's blog? That you can say “girl, same” without any judgement? Let’s let our guard down, teach each other some new things and get a few laughs in.


Your Basic Housewife